Thursday, December 26, 2019

Physical Geography Of Greece By Alexis Abrams - 1865 Words

Greece Alexis Abrams Tuesday PM class Baker college of Port Huron Physical geography of Greece is located in Southern Europe, bordering the Ionian Sea and the Mediterranean Sea, between Albania and Turkey. It is a peninsular country, possessing an archipelago of about 3,000 islands. With the vast percentage of its land comprised of hills and rugged mountains, Greece is one of the most mountainous countries in Europe. â€Å"Its 13,676 km toothy-edged shoreline is deeply indented by dozens of gulfs. The western half of the country is dominated by the steep peaks of the Pindus Mountains, Typical elevations here exceed 2,500 meters, and those mountains are punctuated by numerous lakes, rivers and wetlands. The highest Greek mountain is†¦show more content†¦Lakes of size include Trichonis, Vegoritis and Volvi. There are more than 2,000 large and smaller Greek islands scattered both in the Aegean and the Ionian Sea. Most of them are located in the Aegean between the mainland and Turkey. The largest Greek island is Crete and the second largest is Evia. Lesvos and Rhodes come next. Some of the most famous islands are Santorini, Mykonos, Rhodes, Crete, Zakynthos and Corfu. The religion of Greek people is an important aspect of the Greek culture. The Greek population in mainland Greece and the Greek islands is Christian Orthodox per 98%. The religion of rest of the population is Muslims, Catholic and Jewish. Greece and Russia are the only countries to have such a great proportion of Orthodox population. â€Å"According to the history of Orthodoxy, the first who came in the Greek territory to preach Christianity was Saint Paul in 49 AD. Although many people converted to Christianity in the centuries that followed, this didn t become an official religion until the Emperor Constantine the Great established Christianity as the official religion of the Byzantine Empire (Greeka, N.A)†. â€Å"The Orthodox Church is strongly connected to the Greek Nation since the Byzantine times, when the Patriarch of Constantinople had a strong power over the national matters. During the Ottoman rule, from 1453 to 1821, the Orthodox religion was an important element for the conservation and the

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

It Is Never Too Late To Quit Smoking. Smoking Is A Habit

It is never too late to quit smoking. Smoking is a habit that many Americans have even into their old age. However, smoking is not a healthy habit it effects your brain, heart, lungs and throat, it can cause cancer, as well as COPD. Not only does smoking lead to chronic diseases, but has many effects on the aging process. In older adults, they see a lower quality of life due to a lifelong of smoking. Although smoking in old age has become less popular, the generation of baby boomers is going to change that statistic and will need services for cessation. It is never too late to quit; the benefits of quitting are almost instant. Smoking has adverse effects no matter how old you are, but in old age it makes the normal aging process much†¦show more content†¦Although the effects smoking has on a person’s appearance is not a typical health concern, it is an easy way to see the effects smoking can have on the body. Smoking brings many concerns no matter a person’s ag e. However, for the population of older adults that chooses to smoke, there are more immediate concerns with their health. For many older adults, aging brings with it disease, cognitive loss, and many other issues, but smoking only speed up the symptoms and often makes them worse. Smoking can influence older adult’s medications; it can complicate a previously diagnosed illness; and smoking can add more health issues on top of already diagnosed diseases. Smoking brings concerns for elderly smokers because it is dangerous to their health, especially for those that have preexisting health conditions like, cancer, cardiovascular disease and others (Center). Smoking in old age will only make disease treatments less effective and unlikely to cure. Although there has been an increased smoking cessation among the elderly, with the baby boomer population aging there is likely to be an increased need for it. The elderly population commonly experiences trouble swallowing food, as well a s experience insomnia, and the older adults will find that smoking will only make these preexisting complications harder. Not only are the effects of smoking a concern, but the otherShow MoreRelatedQuit Smoking For a Better Future Essay608 Words   |  3 PagesAmerica alone are smoking associated. Smoking reduces the life of an average smoker by 12 years. According to WHO, Smoking is estimated to cause 10 million deaths worldwide per year by 2010. Smoking has many hazardous effects on both smokers and the people around smokers. It’s damaging the environment and contributing to the global warming. Being a dentist it’s my responsibility to discuss the damaging effects of smoking and persuade everyone to quit smoking or to never start smoking. First, let usRead MoreCigarettes in America Essay1450 Words   |  6 Pagesstroke, and chronic respiratory disease. The most deadly origin of disease is cigarette smoking. 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However, there’s a wide of variety of addictions that comprises of internet, pornography, gambling, shopping, food and even more. Sometimes the word is misunderstood for an obs ession and most of the time we label a person’s hobbies an obsession.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

The Best Invention of Humanity free essay sample

The Best Invention Today’s topic is the best invention of humanity. There are no doubts that this subject is extremely disputable, because almost all inventions seem to be irreplaceable in modern life. While thinking about the most useful thing that people cannot live without, I reached a conclusion that there must be something basic, something that made other inventions possible. Going back to the humanity civilization origins, I found that one thing that we consider as a natural and innate part of rational beings was also invented by mankind a lot of centuries ago and was the greatest breakthrough in transferring and storing information. Yes, I’m talking about written language. Now, try to imagine your life without books. According to the Google calculations conducted in 2010, there are about 130 millions of books that have ever been created by people. And it may be said with certainty that books and other written documents enabled to lay the foundation for all scientific discoveries. We will write a custom essay sample on The Best Invention of Humanity or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Science without written language is just scrappy separate knowledge, because science needs a way to store information and transmit it from generation to generation without loss of details. It is a fact that around 6,100 out of 6,500 classified languages don’t have a writing system. But let me note, that spoken language is used for saving nation history, legends and tales. And native speakers of such languages were utterly far from scientific progress. James Brested, famous American historian and orientalist, said: Â  as well as the ability to speak distinguishes a human from an animal; written language distinguishes a civilized human from a barbarian. Another argument is about the influence of written language appearance on human mentation development. Written language acquisition leads to state of mind transformation. Writing system functions are fixed deeply and permanently in a human brain. Have you ever heard about literal agnosia? This is a psychic disease when human can’t recognize letters and written or typed text, but still is able to communicate orally. Such people draw letters as a set of symbols: ovals, hooks, lines. This fact proves strong influence of written language on human brain. In conclusion of my speech I’d like to say that writing is one of the most important inventions ever made by humans. By putting spoken language into visible, material form, people could for the first time store information and transmit it across time and across space. It meant that a person’s words could be recorded and read by others – decades, or even centuries later. It meant that people could send letters, instructions to other people thousands of kilometers away. Writing was the world’s first true information technology, and it was revolutionary.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Kate Chopin Essays (1045 words) - Literature, Fiction,

Kate Chopin Kate Chopin gives a great deal of thought in her literature to issues that she views as important. She was encouraged not to become a "useless" wife; she was also involved in the idea of becoming an independent woman (LeBlanc 1). Kate Chopin is a well-known American writer. Kate Chopin was born on February 8, 1851, in St. Louis, Missouri. At the age of 53, on August 22, 1904, she died due to cerebral hemorrhage (Hoffman 1-2). Kate is the daughter of Eliza Faris O'Flaherty and Thomas O'Flaherty. Her father was a well-established merchant, who took part in many business investments. He is one of the founders of the Pacific Railroad, and was on the train when it crashed into the Gasconade River, in 1885. Her mother Eliza, was a member of a very elite social group, in their French-Creole community. After Kate's father passed away, her mother became much more religious, and develops a closer relationship with Kate. Kate also has an older half-brother, George O'Flaherty. He was a Confederate solider in the Civil War, and in 1863 was captured by the Union forces, and dies of typhoid fever while in prison. Kate spent her childhood in St. Louis Missouri (Hoffman 1). Kate Chopin was only married once, and it was to Oscar Chopin, a prosperous cotton farmer. The two were married one June 9, 1870, after a yearlong courtship. Kate and Oscar had six children, five boys and one girl. Jean was born in 1871, Oscar Jr. in 1873, George in 1874, Frederick in 1876, Felix in 1878 and Lelia in 1879(Hoffman 1-2). When his cotton business failed they moved to Cloutierville, a small town in Louisiana. They were married for 12 ? years. In 1882 Oscar died of Malaria, and Kate raised the children on her own. Two years after Oscar died Kate and her children moved in with her mother. Less than a year later her mother died and she was on her own again. Kate received a formal education at the Academy of the Sacred Heart in St. Louis. She enjoys music, reading, writing, French and German. She became fluent in both languages. Later in her life she continues her education by studying biology and anthropology. Kate Chopin is known to be an extremely smart woman. (Toth 116) In addition to writing the only other career Kate Chopin has, is being a housewife. She was very busy taking care of her husband, and their six children. When Kate's mother died, she became very depressed, and began confiding in her personal physician, Dr. Frederick Kolbenheyer. Dr. Kolbenheyer gave Kate the idea to begin writing. Her first published work is "If It Might Be", which was published in 1889. Kate wrote novels, poetry, and short stories. She wrote a total of twenty-nine pieces of literature. She wrote twenty pieces of fiction, three short stories, and six novels. Some of her works are, "If It Might Be" published in 1889, "A Point at Issue" published in 1889, Story of an Hour published in 1894, A Night in Acadie published in 1896, The Storm published in 1897, The Awakening published in 1897, Young Dr. Grosse published in 1899, and "The Gentleman from New Orleans" published in 1900 (Louisiana Educational Authority 1-3). Kate Chopin's "The Storm" is one of Kate Chopin's less famous short stories. Her creative use of theme and symbolism throughout "The Storm", is what makes it such a descriptive and detailed short story. She discusses sexuality using the elements of theme and symbolism. In "The Storm," the theme, feminine sexuality and passion is important. Robert W. Wilson, a critic, says: The title of "The Storm," with its obvious connotations of sexual energy and passion, is of course critical to any interpretation of the narrative. Chopin's title refers to nature, which is symbolically feminine; the storm can therefore be seen as symbolic of feminine sexuality and passion, and the image of the storm will be returned to again and again throughout the story. (Wilson 1) Chopin talks about sex, as if it is enjoyable, which is very inappropriate for this time period. This quote shows an example of sex being made enjoyable "When he touched her breasts they gave them selves up in quivering ecstasy, inviting his lips. Her mouth was a fountain of delight. And when he possessed her, they seemed to swoon together at the very borderland of life's mystery" (Chopin 3-4). The affair that takes place during the storm, between two married people, does not ruin either of their marriages, but instead strengthens